
With most aesthetics clinics closed during the pandemic period, customers end up having to live with the discomfort of not being able to carry out their treatments through specific equipment that can only be performed on site and administered by a trained professional.

The demand for aesthetic treatments is considerably high in brazil for a number of reasons, however weight loss and cellulite treatment are the most requested.

Keeping Physical And Emotional Health In Balance Is Still A Big Challenge In Pandemic Times. With The Need To Stay At Home As Long As Possible Until Life Returns To Normal The Question Is: How To Stay Healthy And Not Fall Into The Temptation To Raid The Fridge And Eat Compulsively?

Law that forced people to stay at home also brought risk of diseases due to excessive weight gain

The accumulation of body fat triggers one of the most common global diseases, obesity. So feared, it is still one of the biggest public health problems and its incidence has increased considerably during the pandemic period.

Law that forced people to stay at home also brought risk of diseases due to excessive weight gain

The accumulation of body fat triggers one of the most common global diseases, obesity. So feared, it is still one of the biggest public health problems and its incidence has increased considerably during the pandemic period.

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